Arbi or Taro Root Cutlets/ Sandwiches

This recipe is come out as an innovation to me. I boiled arbi for making dry sabzi but it get over boiled and then it comes out at as Arbi cutlets.

Arbi - 250 gm
Carom or Ajwain seeds - 1 tpsp
Dry coriander powder - 1 tpsp
Red chilli - 1/2 tpsp
Turmeric powder - 1/2 tpsp
Dry Mango Powder- 1/2 tpsp
Salt as per taste
Garam masala ( if you want to add for make it more spicy​)
Chopped green chillies - 3 or 4
Chopped coriander for garnish
Bread slices - 4 


Wash the arbi and boiled it for two whistles in a pressure cooker without peeling it off.
After it get boiled peeled it off and mash it properly.

In a pan add 2 tpsp refined oil , once oil get heat add carom seeds and after that all above mentioned spices.

At last add mashed arbi and chopped green chillies and saute it for few minutes.

Now take the bread slices and cut out it's corner with the help of a knife. Now take a single slice and cut it into two equal pieces. Now take half of slice in your hand and place some mashed arbi from above prepared mixture and fold in the slice. In same way prepared all the slices. 

An other way to making cutlets is to make small crumbs of breads. After that make a small cutlet shape of above prepared arbi mixture and cover with bread crumbs and shallow fry it.

Now take a flat tava and shallow fry  above prepared bread slices in refined oil or butter as per your taste from both sides.

Serve hot with ketchup and garnish with corinder leaves.
